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Create project

POST /api/admin/projects

Create a new Unleash project.





  • id string required

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression [A-Za-z0-9_~.-]+

    The project's identifier.

  • name string required

    Possible values: non-empty

    The project's name.

  • description string nullable

    The project's description.

  • mode string

    Possible values: [open, protected, private]

    A mode of the project affecting what actions are possible in this project

  • defaultStickiness string

    A default stickiness for the project affecting the default stickiness value for variants and Gradual Rollout strategy


The resource was successfully created.

Response Headers
  • location string

    The location of the newly created resource.

  • id string required

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression [A-Za-z0-9_~.-]+

    The project's identifier.

  • name string required

    Possible values: non-empty

    The project's name.

  • description string nullable

    The project's description.

  • featureLimit integer nullable

    A limit on the number of features allowed in the project. null if no limit.

  • mode string

    Possible values: [open, protected, private]

    A mode of the project affecting what actions are possible in this project

  • defaultStickiness string

    A default stickiness for the project affecting the default stickiness value for variants and Gradual Rollout strategy
